Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that grow from the uterine wall. They are common in women of reproductive age and tend to grow slowly, but they can cause problems with fertility and pain.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are the most common cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding in women post-menopause; however, they can also cause pain and heavy periods in younger women. Some women may not have any symptoms associated with uterine fibroids at all. The signs may include:

  • Pain during sex or deep penetration during sex (dyspareunia)
  • Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
  • Bleeding between periods (metrorrhagia)
  • Intermenstrual spotting or bleeding (intermenstrual vaginal bleeding or intermenstrual bleeding)

Causes for Uterine Fibroids

The exact cause of is unknown. There is some evidence that they may be due to an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone hormones.

Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids

Diagnosis is based on a medical history and physical examination. A pelvic ultrasound can be used to confirm the presence of uterine fibroids. In some cases, additional imaging tests such as MRI angiography may be used to measure the size of the fibroid and determine whether it is causing any pressure to adjacent structures like the bladder.

Importance of Treating Uterine Fibroids

If you have uterine fibroids, it’s essential to treat them because they can cause other health problems if left untreated. For example:

  • Uterine fibroids can interfere with your ability to become pregnant. The larger your fibroid grows, the more likely it will block the fallopian tubes and prevent conception from occurring.
  • Uterine fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, leading to anemia if left untreated or uncontrolled. Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by fatigue and weakness.
  • Suppose you have uterine fibroids that are large enough to press against your bladder or rectum (which happens in about 40% of cases). They can cause constipation or urinary frequency—both symptoms of bladder diverticula or rectal prolapse, respectively.

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

Treatment for uterine fibroids is based on the size and number of your fibroids and the severity. Your doctor will discuss your options with you to determine what’s best for you. Below are some of the treatment options

Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus. It is performed by a gynecologist and can be done either through an abdominal incision or via laparoscopy (using small incisions). The procedure requires hospitalization. Patients need a recovery period of three months to return to normal activities.

Myomectomy: Myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids. It is also known as uterine myomectomy or fibroid removal surgery. Myomectomies are typically done by a gynecologist or general surgeon and may require hospitalization or outpatient surgery.

High intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): HIFU treatment occurs while you Lay in a particular MRI machine. The machine produces sound waves. These methods cause a burn inside the fibroid, which later turns into a scare. It will treat only a few fibroids, which subsequently can grow again.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive procedure that can treat fibroids without surgery. In UFE, a catheter is inserted into the uterine arteries. This catheter will help in delivering embolization material to the fibroids tumors. A substance called a “Particles” is then injected through the catheter into the fibroid tissue, which cuts off its blood supply and causes it to shrink over time; the time needed is between 3 months to 12 months. Patients start feeling better over time.

Because UFE does not require surgery, no incision is needed during your treatment. The procedure is done under local anesthesia and sedative drugs. After your system, you may experience some cramping, but this should subside within 24 hours. Most patients can return home after their treatment with instructions for self-care and follow-up care instructions from their doctor.

Advantages of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE):

UFE has several benefits over other treatments:

  • It’s minimally invasive—you won’t need general anesthesia during this procedure, and you’ll be able to go home soon with pain medication.
  • It has no downtime—you’ll be able to go back to work after the procedure with no restrictions on activity.
  • It’s effective—the success rate of UFE is approximately 90%, meaning that most women who have it don’t require additional treatments afterward.
  • Pregnancy after an embolization — Many centers that perform Uterine artery embolization have confirmed that women who have undergone embolization can have children.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a less invasive alternative to hysterectomy that can help treat the symptoms of symptomatic uterine fibroids. It can be an effective treatment option for women experiencing symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility due to fibroids.

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (or POP) is a common condition where the pelvic organs—the bladder, uterus, bowel, or rectum—slide down from their normal position. These organs are held in place by the pelvic floor, a group of muscles inside your body. When these muscles weaken or become damaged, these organs can slide out of their normal position and into your vagina. This can cause a bulge or lump in your vagina (called a prolapse). The most common types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse are:

  • Cystocele, or bladder prolapse
  • Rectocele, or rectum prolapse
  • Enterocele, or small bowel prolapse
  • Uterine prolapse

Gynecologists often use a grading system to determine how severe your condition is,

  • Grade 1: mild prolapse; can’t be seen or felt
  • Grade 2: more severe; can be seen or felt
  • Grade 3: severe prolapse; can be seen outside of your body

Prevalence of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

The pelvic floor consists of muscles, ligaments, and nerves that support the bladder, cervix, uterus, vagina, and rectum. Pelvic Organ Prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor muscles weaken or become damaged and can no longer provide adequate support for these organs. One or more organs may “slip” down into or bulge into the vagina. According to the American Urogynecologic Society, POP affects about 1 in 9 women. It is a common condition—more common than you probably think. It is estimated that between 5-20% of women will have a prolapse during their lifetime.

Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Symptoms of POP can include,

  • Problems with urination, such as leaking or having to push organs out of the way to urinate
  • Pressure in the vagina or pelvis
  • Abnormal sensations, such as a pulling feeling, in the vagina and/or pelvis
  • Soreness in the vagina
  • Problems with bowel movements, including constipation or incomplete emptying of stool
  • Lower back pain
  • Low back pain that gets worse when you’re standing for long periods, coughing, or lifting things

Causes for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

The most common cause of POP is pregnancy and childbirth. However, other factors can contribute, including:

  • Hysterectomy
  • Menopause
  • Chronic constipation
  • Heavy lifting
  • Aging
  • Chronic coughing or straining for prolonged periods
  • Being overweight
  • Family history of prolapse

Risk Factors for Developing Pelvic Organ Prolapse

While some women are more predisposed to developing POP, several lifestyle factors can increase your risk for this condition. These include,

Age: As people age, the muscles and tissues in their bodies often weaken and break down. This natural process can affect the pelvic floor and lead to POP.

Pregnancy and Childbirth: Pregnancy often causes rapid growth of the uterus, which puts increased pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles expand even more dramatically during childbirth as the baby passes through the birth canal. This can cause weakness and damage to pelvic floor tissues, leading to a higher risk of prolapse

Genetics: Some women have weaker connective tissues than others, causing them to be more susceptible to developing POP over time

Menopause: As estrogen levels drop during menopause, there is a natural decline in collagen production by the body

Diagnosis of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

POP is diagnosed using one or more of the following tests:

Pelvic Exam. The doctor will be able to feel if there are bulges in your vagina that could indicate a prolapse of the uterus, bladder, rectum, or small bowel. Your pelvic floor muscles will also be checked for strength and tone.

Urinary Tract Evaluation. If your doctor suspects you have a prolapsed bladder, you may be asked to urinate and cough to check for urine leakage. Urine can be tested for signs of infection, and you may be asked to record how many times you use the bathroom over 24 hours and how much fluid you drink during that time. You may also need additional imaging tests such as an ultrasound or cystoscopy, in which a tube with a camera at the end is inserted into the urethra to view inside the bladder.

Imaging Tests. If your doctor suspects a prolapsed uterus, they may order imaging tests such as an ultrasound to assess the size of your uterus and rule out intrabdominal organ or growth pushing the uterus down.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: What You Need To Know

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common form of functional gastrointestinal disorder. It is more common in women than men and typically begins between 20 and 30.  

What are the Symptoms of IBS? 

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: 

  • Abdominal pain and cramping 
  • Bloating 
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Mucus in your stool 

What Causes of IBS? 

IBS occurs when the muscles in the walls of your intestines contract faster or slower than usual. These contractions can cause food to move through your digestive tract too quickly or too slowly, which leads to diarrhea or constipation. IBS can also cause the nerves in your GI tract to be overly sensitive. When this happens, even slight changes in the motion of your intestines can trigger pain. The exact cause of IBS is unknown. But many factors may play a role: 

  • Genetics
  • Infection 
  • Increased sensitivity of the gut 
  • Changes in gut bacteria 

What are the Types of IBS? 

IBS affects people differently and can present different symptoms from person to person. Here are some of the most common forms of IBS: 

IBS-C (constipation-predominant)

People with IBS-C generally experience constipation, difficulty passing gas, and abdominal bloating. 

IBS-D (diarrhea-predominant) 

People with IBS-D tend to have loose stools, cramping, and a feeling of urgency when they need to use the bathroom. 

IBS-M (mixed diarrhea/constipation) 

This form of IBS is usually characterized by alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation. 

How is IBS Diagnosed? 

IBS can be diagnosed using several different tests. The doctor may order blood tests to check for inflammation in the intestines, anemia, or other problems with the liver or pancreas. The doctor may also have you take a stool sample to look for bacteria or parasites, especially if you have diarrhea. The doctor may also do a colonoscopy or a flexible sigmoidoscopy, which involves inserting a thin tube with a light and camera on the end into the rectum and colon to see what’s inside. These tests are not used for diagnosing IBS but help rule out other conditions that could cause similar symptoms. 

How to Prevent IBS? 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is something that affects many people, but it’s easily preventable. By making some small adjustments to your lifestyle, you can be IBS-free and on your way to comfortable digestion! 

  • Refrain from eating spicy foods 
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. This helps to digest food more efficiently 
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Stay away from artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols such as maltitol and sorbitol 
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine 
  • Drink lots of water 

If you think you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, be sure to consult a Gastroenterologist because it’s important to rule out any other possible causes of stomach pain and diarrhea first, as they could be harmful if they’re not treated properly.  

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Colorectal Cancer

What is Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer or bowel cancer is cancer that affects the large bowel (colon) and back passage (rectum). Globally, it is the third most occurring cancer. 

The colon and rectum are part of the body’s digestive system. They make up the large bowel, or large intestine. Their job is to absorb water from partially digested food and remove waste products from the body. The waste products become solid as they travel through the colon and rectum before leaving the body as stools (feces).  

Colorectal cancer can start in any part of the colon or rectum. It most commonly begins in cells lining the inside of the bowel. Most bowel cancers develop very slowly over several years. Bowel cancer is uncommon in people under 50 years of age, and most cases occur in people aged 60 or over.

Causes of Colorectal

Colorectal cancer starts when healthy cells in your bowel become abnormal. These cells grow and divide more rapidly than normal and continue living when other cells would die. These extra cells can form a mass called a tumor. Some cancers, such as bowel cancer, begin as benign tumors, which are not cancerous. They might not spread or threaten life, but sometimes they can become malignant (cancerous). This happens if the cells in the tumor have changed genetically and no longer regulate their growth properly. The tumor then grows uncontrollably, eventually becoming large enough to invade surrounding tissue or spread to distant parts of the body. There are different types of bowel cancer, depending on where it starts: 

  • Colon Cancer – is the most common type of bowel cancer; it starts in the large bowel. 
  • Rectal Cancer – this begins in the back passage (rectum). 

Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

The symptoms of colon cancer are: 

  • Blood in your bowel movements 
  • Bleeding from your rectum or blood in your stools 
  • Abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and gas 
  • Diarrhea or constipation that lasts for more than a few days (or alternates between the two) 
  • Unexplained weight loss 
  • A lump in your abdomen

If you experience these symptoms for two weeks or more, it may be time to talk to a Gastroenterologist or a Gastrointestinal Surgeon about whether you’re at risk for bowel cancer: 

Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

Bowel cancer is diagnosed with a range of tests.  

Blood Tests: Blood tests can check for anemia, which happens when a person has low red blood cell levels. Low red blood cell levels are a symptom of bowel cancer. 

Stool Tests: Stool tests are also known as fecal occult blood tests, which means hidden (occult) blood in the stool. If a person has bowel cancer or another gastrointestinal disorder, blood may appear in their stool, though it is not visible to the naked eye. 

Sigmoidoscopy: A sigmoidoscopy is when your doctor looks at the rectum and lower part of the colon with a camera on a flexible tube. This tube is called a sigmoidoscope. 

Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy is when your doctor looks at the entire large intestine with a camera on a flexible tube. This tube is called a colonoscope. 

Biopsy: A biopsy is when your doctor takes tissue samples from the large intestine to look at under a microscope to determine if there are any cancer cells in them. This can help determine if further treatment is needed. 


Here are some of the best ways to reduce your risk of bowel cancer,  

  • Eating a diet high in fiber, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains 
  • Drinking at least six glasses of water each day 
  • Avoiding processed meats 
  • Maintaining a healthy weight (through exercise and eating a healthy diet) 
  • Avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol to excess 

While Colorectal cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed type of cancer, it is also one of the most treatable. A bowel cancer screening test is recommended if you are over 50, have a family history of bowel cancer, or have noticed any changes in your normal toilet habits, such as more frequent urination or looser stools. Bowel cancer is easily detectable in its early stages. Patients with early detection have a better chance of survival. 

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Occupational Health-Tips to Avoid Workplace Injuries

Occupational health deals with injuries that may be a serious problem which could happen in an office or other work-related environment. These days, more people are getting injured and being treated for injuries arising from occupational health issues. Below are some tips to help you avoid workplace injuries.

Occupation Health Tip #1: Maintain Proper Posture

To keep your back and neck healthy:

  • Sit or stand up straight. 
  • Roll your shoulders back when working to keep your spine aligned and free from strain, and keep your chin up. You should not be hunched over your computer or reclining in a chair for long periods. 
  • When sitting at a desk, keep both feet on the floor and don’t cross them or one leg over the other. 

Occupation Health Tip #2: Make Sure Your Workspace is Ergonomic 

Reaching across a desk to type on a laptop or keyboard, or staring at a screen farther away than it should be, can cause neck and shoulder pain over time. With an ergonomic office desk, you’re less likely to suffer from occupational health issues by reaching across a desk to type on a keyboard, or staring at a screen farther than it should be.

  • Place your computer monitor directly in front of you, so you don’t have to twist your neck and shoulders to look at it. 
  • Position the computer mouse and keyboard within arm’s reach. 
  • Use an adjustable chair for sitting comfortably with your feet flat on the ground.  
  • If you work from home, look into purchasing a standing workstation that will allow you to stand up during the day periodically. 
  • Know when to take breaks from sitting. 

Being sedentary can lead to eye strain and back pain, especially if you’re not following proper posture guidelines. Get up every 30 minutes, walk around the room, stretch out your legs while standing—do anything that gets your body moving again after being stationary for prolonged periods! 

Occupation Health Tip #3: Take Regular Breaks  

You should take regular breaks to prevent repetitive stress injuries. These injuries happen over time and are usually caused by repeatedly performing the same movements.  

Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and tennis elbow. During your break, it’s a good idea to get up from your workstation, stretch, and walk around.  

You should also make sure that you’re frequently changing positions while working. For example, if you stand at work all day, it may be helpful to sit down once an hour for several minutes; if you sit, it can help alternate standing every so often. 

Occupation Health Tip #4: Stretch Your Neck and Shoulders  

Finally, make sure you’re stretching before, during, and after work. Stretching will help keep your blood flowing and prevent many injuries mentioned above.  

To stretch your neck and shoulders, do neck rolls and shoulder shrugs, making sure to rotate your head fully clockwise several times and counter-clockwise.  

If you can do so safely, stretch in 10-minute intervals at least once per hour when on the computer or perform other tasks that require a lot of sitting down. 

To stretch your wrists and arms, hold each arm out for ten seconds with your palm facing up or down and drop it back down slowly. Repeat this exercise five times for the best results. 

Try doing hamstring stretches to loosen those muscles before returning to work for back problems. These are done most easily by standing with both feet together while lifting one leg straight back behind you and one arm before switching sides after holding for 20 seconds. 

Occupation Health Tip #5: Be Aware of Your Surroundings  

Here are some ways to avoid injuries while walking: 

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you can hear clearly, see clearly, and pay attention to what is in front of you while walking. This means: 
  • Avoid texting or talking on the phone when walking. Any electronic device that requires your eyes or ears may cause you to miss something important and should be avoided. 
  • Avoid eating or drinking while walking. This often causes a person to lose their balance, which could cause them to fall and injure themselves. 
  • Avoid carrying heavy objects when walking. This will slow you down but, more importantly, will distract your focus from what is in front of you. 
  • Avoid wearing headphones while walking. You should be listening for anything that may pop up in front of you, such as a car making a sudden stop or the sound of another pedestrian’s voice warning you about something ahead of you on the sidewalk.  
  • Avoid wearing loose clothing or any other loose articles (i.e., scarves) while walking; these may get caught in doors/fences/etc., putting pressure on certain parts of your body; this could result in injury if pulled too quickly by an unexpected force (such as a gust of wind).

Many Workplace Injuries can be Prevented with a Few Easily Followed Rules

It is estimated that 2.3 million women and men worldwide succumb to work-related accidents or diseases every year; this corresponds to over 6000 deaths every day. Worldwide, there are around 340 million occupational health issues and accidents and 160 million victims of work-related illnesses annually. It may seem like these injuries just happen, but many can be prevented. Let’s look at some of the most common workplace injuries and how to avoid them: 

  • Sprains and strains are two of the most common types of workplace injuries. These occur mostly in the back, shoulders, neck, and knees. If you need to lift something, learn how to do it properly—or ask someone else to help you! 
  • Cuts are another frequent type of workplace injury; they usually occur when someone is using machinery or tools that have sharp edges or points. Always wear protective equipment like gloves, masks, goggles, and closed-toe shoes when necessary (and don’t be afraid to speak up if you think your tools could use an upgrade.) 
  • There are many different types of burn injuries—heat burns from fire or steam; friction burns from falling on a hard surface; chemical burns from chemicals splashed in your eyes —so make sure you know what hazards exist where you work and what steps need to be taken for each one before starting a new job or working with a new substance for the first time. 

Many of these injuries are avoidable if one follows simple safety protocol. This is a simple list of steps that any employee can take to prevent occupational health issues in the future. These include good posture, exercising regularly, avoiding aggressive behavior at work, and reporting injuries immediately and properly.

Immunization is the Best Way to Protect Our Children

What is an Immunization?

Immunization is a shot that helps protect you from certain diseases. These diseases can kill or make people sick, especially young children and older adults. There are many different kinds of vaccines. Some are given only once in a lifetime, while others require multiple doses over a few years to become fully effective. Once vaccination is done, you develop protection against the disease that can last for years or even a lifetime.

Why Should You Immunize Your Child?

If you think immunization is no big deal, consider this: measles still kills about 100,000 people a year. Pneumonia makes about 1 million kids sick a year. And whooping cough is making more than 20 million kids sick each year worldwide. Some parents worry that vaccines can cause autism in their children. But numerous studies have shown no link between autism and vaccines.

Vaccines do more than protect your child from disease—they protect your community’s health. When you immunize your child, you help prevent the spread of disease to others who are too young to be vaccinated or have weakened immune systems, such as newborn babies and people with cancer.

When you immunize your child, they get protection against 14 potentially deadly diseases before they turn two years old. If you choose not to immunize your child, they may be at risk of getting one of these diseases and spreading it to other children who are too young to get vaccinated or cannot be vaccinated because of medical problems.

How do Immunizations Work?

Immunization, also known as vaccination, develops immunity to a disease by being given a vaccine. Vaccines are specially prepared viruses or bacteria that have been altered to no longer cause disease but still stimulate the body’s immune system to create antibodies.

The immune system is made up of many different cells and chemical factors. Some of these cells are called memory B-cells. When the body encounters a foreign substance or antigen, such as a virus or bacterium, the immune system will produce antibodies specifically designed to fight that infection. The memory B-cells serve as a reminder of what type of antibody was produced during the initial infection and can be used to make more antibodies when needed.

When you receive an immunization, your body will produce antibodies against the disease even though you haven’t been infected. This is important because it allows your body to be prepared if you become infected with that disease later. Suppose you become infected with an illness for which you have been immunized. In that case, your memory B-cells will immediately know how to respond and produce large amounts of specific antibodies to fight off the infection.

Are Immunizations Safe?

Immunizations are one of the best ways to protect your child’s health. They have been proven safe, effective, and beneficial time after time. With the help of immunization, we have been able to eradicate smallpox and are getting closer to doing the same for polio, measles, rubella, and other dangerous diseases. Immunizations have saved millions of lives since the first vaccine was administered in 1796, and they continue to do so every day. Ensure your loved ones receive all their recommended vaccines on schedule and get their flu shots every year!

You must speak with your Pediatrician about the immunization schedule recommended for your child.

When Should I Get my Kids Vaccinated?

We’re here to help you understand what vaccines are and when your kids should get them.

DHA Immunization Schedule for Children between 0-6 years

  • At Birth: BCG, Hep B.
  • Two Months: DTaP, Hib, Hep B, IPV, PCV.
  • Four Months: DPT, Hib, Hep B, OPV, PCV.
  • Six Months: DPT, Hib, Hep B, OPV, PCV.
  • 12 Months: MMR, varicella.
  • Eighteen months: DTaP, Hib, OPV, PCV.
  • Five to Six Years: DPT, OPV, MMR, varicella.

DHA Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 7-18 Years

  • Td/ Tdap at age 11–12 years for those who have completed the recommended childhood DTP/DTaP vaccination series.
  • Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) at age 11-12 years and 13-18 years if not previously vaccinated. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) is an acceptable alternative.
  • Hepatitis B 3-dose series to those who were not previously vaccinated.
  • Varicella 2 doses series if not previously immunized.
  • MMR 2 doses at least four weeks apart if not previously immunized
  • The human papillomavirus vaccine is recommended for girls 11-16.

Vaccinations are an essential part of good health. They protect us from diseases that can cause serious illness and even death. They are especially important for children, pregnant women, chronic illnesses, and people with compromised immune systems. Don’t forget to Keep up with the recommended schedule of immunizations for babies and adults!

Primary Immunodeficiencies (PI): What to Know?

Primary Immunodeficiencies (PIs) are a family of over 300 rare, chronic disorders that impair the body’s ability to fight infection. PIs are not just a single disease. They encompass a group of conditions caused by defects in different parts of the immune system, which protect against infection and disease. PI can affect anyone, regardless of gender, race, or age. This blog will explain what PIs are, how they impact people’s lives and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

What are the Types of PI?

Antibody Deficiencies: Individuals with this type of PIDD have insufficient antibodies to fight off infections. Such deficiencies can be caused by a lack of B-cells or a deficiency in the B-cells themselves.

Phagocytic Deficiencies: This type of PIDD causes a reduction in phagocytes, which are white blood cells needed to destroy pathogens and clear up infections. Chronic, recurring infections characterize it.

Cellular Deficiencies: Cellular deficiencies result in reduced numbers of T-cells and NK cells and often cause viral infections and cancerous tumors. This type of PIDD can also cause chronic lung disease.

Complement Deficiencies: Complement deficiencies are a group of rare, inherited conditions that result in a decrease or absence of complement proteins. The complement system is a set of blood proteins that help fight infection. Decreased levels of these proteins can increase the risk for certain infections.

Combined Immunodeficiencies: This type of PIDD is characterized by low numbers of T-cells and B-cells, which are both needed for a properly functioning immune system. It can also result from a lack of natural killer cells (NK cells).

What Causes PI?

The causes of PIs vary from person to person and depend on which part of the immune system is affected. Some PIs are caused by a deletion or mutation in a specific gene responsible for developing certain parts of the immune system. In other cases, the cause of PI is unknown. In general, PIs are caused by:

  • A single gene defect passed down through families
  • Spontaneous genetic changes (mutations) before or after birth

How is PI Treated?

Treatment for PI is individualized based on the type and severity of each patient’s condition, including medication, replacement therapy, surgery, or prophylactic treatments.

The first step is to get a proper diagnosis. This involves the doctor collecting as much information about you and your family as possible, including medical history, genetics, and whether or not there have been any infections. Your doctor may also conduct a physical exam.

Antibiotics are often prescribed for patients with PI to help treat infections caused by bacteria or fungi. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IVIG) is also sometimes used to replace the immunoglobulin protein to boost your immune response.

Another option is Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT), which replaces the bone marrow responsible for creating white blood cells—you may also hear this referred to as Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT).

Some other common treatments involve surgery or prophylactic treatments.

Who Can Get PI?

Everyone can get primary immunodeficiencies, but some people are at a higher risk. PI can be hereditary, so if you have a family member with the disease, you may be more likely to get it. People with other immune diseases also face a higher risk of getting PI. If you think you or someone in your family is at risk for primary immunodeficiencies, talk to your doctor.

What are the Symptoms of PI?

Primary Immunodeficiency (PI) is passed down through families and has no obvious symptoms during childhood. However, a person with PI might be prone to frequent, long-lasting, or unusual infections.

  • Frequent Sinus infections
  • Ear infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Skin infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Recurrent diarrhea or gut problems

Can I Prevent PI?

You can’t prevent primary immunodeficiencies (PI). But there are many things you can do to lessen their impact.

See a doctor regularly. Because of your weakened immune system, it’s important to see a doctor regularly so they can monitor your health and help you catch problems early.

Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise help boost your immune system and fight off infections.

Wash your hands often. Washing your hands frequently can help stop the spread of germs that cause colds, flu, and other infections. Make sure your children know how to wash their hands properly too.

Don’t smoke or be around smokers. Secondhand smoke is especially dangerous for people with compromised immune systems—it irritates the lungs and causes respiratory infections.

Avoid crowds during cold and flu season. Since colds and the flu are very contagious, avoid places where many people gather during peak infection periods. If you must go out, wear a mask to minimize exposure to germs.

How is PI Diagnosed?

An individual with a PI will often get frequent infections that cannot be cured with typical antibiotic treatment. However, some individuals will have chronic (long-term) health problems due to an undiagnosed PI. This may include autoimmune diseases, chronic lung disease, and liver disease.

If you or your child has frequent infections, talk to your Pediatrician about screening for PI using blood tests to look at the number and function of different types of white blood cells and enzymes called complement proteins. These tests can help determine if you or your child may have a PI.

What is Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder caused by a genetic mutation that prevents the production of proteins in the blood called clotting factors. Clotting factors are proteins that allow the blood to clot after an injury, and without them, people can bleed for longer than normal. 

What Causes Hemophilia? 

Mutations of certain genes cause inherited hemophilia. These genes provide instructions for making proteins needed for blood clotting (coagulation). Defects in these genes reduce or eliminate the activity of crucial clotting factors, leading to bleeding problems. In about 30 percent of cases, no family history of the condition exists before the affected person is born.  

What are the Different Types of Hemophilia? 

There are three main types: A, B, and C. These types are distinguished by the affected specific clotting factor.  

Type A Hemophilia: 

This occurs when your body is missing or has low levels of clotting factor VIII. About 80% of people with hemophilia have Type-A. 

Type B Hemophilia: 

This type occurs when your body is missing or has low levels of clotting factor IX. This type is also called “Christmas Disease” after Stephen Christmas, a patient whose case was first described in 1952. This affects about 15% of patients with hemophilia. 

Type C Hemophilia: 

This type occurs when your body has low levels of clotting factor XI. It’s also known as the Rosenthal Syndrome, named after the doctor who discovered it in 1952. This type accounts for about 5% of cases. 

What are the Symptoms of Hemophilia? 

Symptoms vary based on the type of hemophilia: 

Type A: People with this condition tend to bleed longer than those without it and may have frequent nosebleeds and bleeding gums. They might also get large bruises from little bumps or falls. 

Type B: People with this type tend to bleed faster than those without it, though their bleeding may take longer. They may also bruise easily and bruise an unusually large amount. 

Type C: People with this type tend to bruise easily and have frequent nosebleeds. Their bleeding may take longer to stop than normal people. 

The most serious symptoms include: 

  • Excessive bleeding after an injury, surgery, dental procedure, or internal injury. 
  • Bleeding in the joints (usually knees, ankles, or elbows). 
  • Unusual bleeding after vaccinations. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a Hematologist 

What Are the Treatments Available for Hemophilia? 

There are three main treatments for hemophilia: 

1. Factor Replacement Therapy: The patient is given a synthetic version of the missing factor in this treatment. It’s an infusion that should be done at least once per week and is the most common treatment plan. 

2. Desmopressin Acetate Therapy involves taking a tablet or nasal spray to help increase factor VIII levels and limit bleeding events. It’s not as effective as factor replacement therapy, but it can help in some cases. 

3. Gene Therapy: This is still experimental, so it’s not broadly available yet, but researchers are working on using viruses to deliver normal copies of hemophilia genes to patients’ cells to correct the genetic defect. 

Hemophilia is a manageable disease if treated, but heredity and certain diseases can cause it to become serious. People with this condition should always keep an eye on the available treatment methods. If you are concerned you might have this condition or suspect that someone you know does, then it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Getting diagnosed is the first step to living with hemophilia and living a normal life. 

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What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that affects the control of movement and cognitive function. It is a neurodegenerative disease that causes damage to the brain over time and can severely impair the quality of life. The condition typically starts with tremors or shaking, which is why it was first called “the shaking palsy” in 1817 by Dr. James Parkinson. 

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease? 

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the progressive loss of a particular type of neurons in the brain. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit messages throughout your body. It occurs when some neurons die or become impaired and can no longer send messages to your body. This causes specific symptoms and complications, such as tremors, rigidity, balance problems, etc. 

Doctors aren’t sure what exactly causes Parkinson’s disease to develop. Most cases seem to be caused by genetic and environmental factors that trigger the disease in people who are genetically predisposed to Parkinson’s. However, scientists have identified several factors that may play a role in its development: 

Genetics: Certain genes appear to be associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. However, only a small number of cases seem to be directly inherited from a person’s parents. 

Environment: Exposure to certain environmental toxins may increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. These include pesticides, heavy metals, and herbicides used on crops. 

What are the Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease? 

Parkinson’s disease is usually diagnosed around 60, but some people are diagnosed in their 40s and 50s. However, it’s possible to have the condition and not know it, as symptoms can be mild at first. The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are tremors or shaking, rigidity or stiffness, bradykinesia or slowness of movement, postural instability, or impaired balance and coordination. 

How is Parkinson’s Diagnosed? 

Parkinson’s is diagnosed by factors, including your medical history, a neurological exam, and blood tests. At the moment, there is no specific test for Parkinson’s disease (PD). The diagnosis is made by identifying a set of symptoms and ruling out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms. A neurological examination will test your movement and other neurologic functions.  

The Neurologist may ask you to perform simple tasks, such as walking across the room or touching your finger to your nose. This will help determine if you have slowed movement, muscle rigidity, postural instability, or any other symptoms of PD. The doctor may also perform the following tests: 

Electromyography (EMG) uses small needles or electrodes placed on your skin to measure the electrical activity of individual muscles. This test can determine if you have tremors or other muscle issues caused by Parkinson’s. 

Brain scans such as Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) show the brain at work and can help doctors rule out other diseases that cause similar symptoms. 

Cognitive tests measure thinking, learning, judgment, and problem-solving skills. 

How can Parkinson’s be Treated? 

There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are treatment options that can help alleviate symptoms and slow the condition’s progression. Treatment is usually performed individually and can include prescription medications, surgery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes. Physical therapy may consist of massage and exercise techniques for patients with Parkinson’s. Occupational therapy may help patients learn to cope with the limitations brought on by the disease. Lifestyle changes may include stress management and sleep hygiene. 

What is Autism?

Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first three years of life and affects the brain’s everyday social and communication skills development. People with Autism have difficulties with social, emotional, and communication skills. They might repeat certain behaviors and not want to change their daily activities. 

Causes & Risk Factors 

A wide variety of factors can cause Autism Spectrum Disorder. Unfortunately, there is no known cause for Autism, so it is difficult to say exactly what causes the condition in any one person. However, many experts believe that certain risk factors can contribute to developing Autism. Some of these risk factors include: 

  • Certain genetic or chromosomal conditions 
  • Problems during pregnancy, such as exposure to environmental toxins 
  • Infections the mother contracts during pregnancy 
  • Complications during birth, such as oxygen deprivation to the baby’s brain 
  • Exposure to toxins such as lead after birth 

Signs & Symptoms 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be hard to spot in toddlers. Since it’s a developmental condition, many people aren’t diagnosed until they are older. Here are some common signs and symptoms of the condition: 

  • Problems with social interaction 
  • Lack of eye contact or reduced interest in other people 
  • No response to their name being called 
  • Difficulty interpreting other people’s emotions and reactions (e.g., not understanding that a tearful face means sadness) 
  • Difficulty expressing their own emotions 
  • Not wanting to cuddle or be cuddled. 
  • A preference for being alone 
  • Repetitive behaviors or narrow, obsessive interests 
  • Repeating words or phrases over and over (echolalia) 
  • Getting upset by minor changes in routine or surroundings 
  • Performing repetitive body movements, such as flapping their hands, rocking from side to side, or flicking their fingers 
  • Inability to understand other people’s feelings 

Diagnosis & Tests 

If you think your child may be experiencing Autism, talk to a Pediatrician. The doctor will likely ask a series of questions called the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT). It’s designed to screen infants and toddlers between 16 and 30 months old for possible red flags of Autism. If your child is older than 30 months, or if the doctor or a specialist is concerned about Autism based on what you’ve told them, your child may have further testing. This can include: 

  • The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) to determine the severity of your child’s symptoms 
  • The Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS) is often used with children between 3 and 22 years old 
  • An intelligence quotient (IQ) test – This is used to assess the child’s intellectual ability 
  • A lead screening test – This is done to rule out other causes of developmental delays and behavioral problems 

Complications & Comorbidities 

Complications and comorbidities of Autism are conditions that commonly and frequently occur in people with an autism spectrum disorder. Some of the most common comorbid and complicating conditions include difficulties with motor skills, seizures and epilepsy, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, sensory integration issues, and problems with mood or mental health. Many of these conditions can cause additional challenges for a person with ASD and require different treatments. 


The best way to prevent Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is to get good prenatal care and a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your health during pregnancy can increase the chances of having a healthy baby. Get information about choosing an Obstetrician and Gynecologist and developing a relationship with them as soon as you think you are pregnant. The best way to protect yourself and your baby is to follow the advice on prenatal care. 

Management of Autism 

We want you to get the most out of life. Our autism management sets you up with the tools you need to thrive in the classroom, at work, and at home. Whether your child is newly diagnosed or living with the conditions for years, we’ve got the expertise and experience to help you understand what it means to live with Autism and how to put that understanding into practice. Our process begins with a thorough assessment of your current situation. Once we have a clear picture of what needs improvement, we build a custom treatment plan using our decades of experience treating Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). These plans are designed for maximum effectiveness and maximum accessibility.  

Having the right information about Autism can help you manage it better. If you think your child might have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ask your doctor to screen them for ASD during regular well-child visits. You can also talk about any concerns you have about behavior and development with your child’s school nurse, teacher, or a Developmental and Behavioral expert who regularly works with children.