Endometriosis: Everything You Need to Know


What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a disorder that affects women’s reproductive organs. It occurs when the endometrium, which lines the inside of the uterus, grows outside of it. The misdirected growth of this tissue can cause painful periods and other problems. The most common locations are on the fallopian tubes and ovaries, but it can occur anywhere in the body, including on the bladder or intestines.

What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?

While each woman’s experience with endometriosis is unique, many women report experiencing discomfort during or near their periods. Additionally, some women experience pain during sexual activity, bowel movements, or urination. While these symptoms are common in many women, they do not necessarily indicate that you have endometriosis — only a Gynecologist can confirm this!

Who Gets Endometriosis?

While it can happen at any age, it’s most common in women between 25 and 40. The following factors may increase your chance of developing it:

  • Family history of endometriosis.
  • Starting your period before age 11
  • Short menstrual cycles (27 days or less)
  • Infrequent periods (less than 8 per year)
  • Never having given birth
  • A diet high in red meat and low in vegetables and fruit

How Common is Endometriosis

Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which the endometrium, tissue that normally grows inside the uterus, grows outside the uterus. It’s most commonly found on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue lining the pelvis. Rarely, it may also occur in other parts of the body. It affects about 176 million women worldwide – or roughly 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. It can be challenging to diagnose and may take up to 7 to 8 years from the time symptoms begin to receive a diagnosis of endometriosis. Many women are first diagnosed during fertility testing. If you’re trying to get pregnant and having trouble, you should talk to your Obstetrician & Gynecologist about whether it might be the cause.

How is Endometriosis Diagnosed?

If you suspect that you have endometriosis, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your Gynecologist who will ask you about your symptoms and perform a physical exam, which includes a pelvic exam. They may also order an ultrasound, MRI, or laparoscopy to confirm the diagnosis.

How is Endometriosis Treated?

Treatment depends on your symptoms, the severity of the condition, and how long you’ve had it. Treatment options include hormone therapy, pain medicine, and surgery to remove lesions or tissue growths. A hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be recommended for severe cases. Sometimes, simply changing diet, exercise habits, sleep patterns, or other lifestyle factors can help to reduce the pain and other symptoms. A good understanding of this syndrome can help lead to a better quality of life.

Kidney Health – How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy and Strong

Kidney Health

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs on either side of your spine. They filter our blood, remove toxins, and produce urine. But how to maintain our kidney health, so that our kidney’s can continue to do this for the rest of our lives?

Here are six quick tips for how to keep your kidneys healthy and strong:

Drink More Water

Drink more water! In order to function properly, your kidneys need a good amount of water every day. Keep drinking throughout the day, so you’re never dehydrated, and try adding a lemon wedge or cucumber slice if you don’t like plain water. If you want to know how much water you should drink, take your weight in pounds and divide it by two—that’s how many ounces you need to drink every day. Studies show that drinking water helps the body in many ways. For example, it lubricates joints, helps with digestion, and helps flush out toxins in the body. If you’re not drinking enough water every day, your kidneys won’t function properly. Hence, drinking water is essential for maintaining your kidney health

Eat Less Salt

Excess salt consumption can harm your kidneys and make you retain more water. This can cause hypertension, which increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. Salt also makes you crave more sugar, leading to weight gain. In a diet high in salt, the body holds onto the water to dilute it. This leads to a higher blood volume, which requires more effort from the heart to pump it around the body. The extra pressure this exerts on the walls of arteries can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke. A high-salt diet may also contribute to bone loss in older people because salt increases calcium excretion in urine. It is recommended that adults not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. A simple way to reduce sodium intake is to avoid processed foods and season fresh foods with salt-free spices instead of table salt.

Avoid Excess Protein

Protein is a critical component of our diet, helping us build muscle and repair tissues. However, getting enough protein can be challenging. But what if you’re getting too much? Too much protein in your diet can put a strain on your kidneys, so it’s essential to pay attention to how much protein you’re eating. Specifically, people with chronic kidney disease are encouraged to limit their protein intake to worsen their symptoms. In general, people need about 10% of their calories to come from protein sources. The recommended daily allowance varies by age group. For adults ages 19-70, that means between 46g and 56g per day. You don’t need to eat meat or animal products to reach this amount; there are many plant-based proteins that you can eat instead! Our registered Dietitian Nutritionist can help you plan a healthy diet personalized to your needs and health condition.

Avoid Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is a dangerous habit for your kidneys. Alcohol is a toxin that requires your kidneys to work harder in order to remove it from your body. Excessive drinking can cause the glomeruli, the tiny filters in your kidney, to become inflamed and scarred. The more you drink, the more damage you do. If you drink too much, you are at risk of developing kidney failure. Heavy drinking can also cause problems with other organs such as the liver and brain, making it difficult for those organs to send signals to your kidneys telling them how much urine to make. This can cause dehydration, which can lead to kidney stones or damage.

Get Enough Rest

Your kidneys work hard all day to filter out toxins and waste products from your blood, so when you go to sleep at night, they get a chance to rest and repair themselves. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, your kidneys won’t have enough time to do their job—and the toxins will build up in your system until it can no longer keep up with them. When that happens, you might experience nausea or headache. Sometimes, severe symptoms like vomiting, chest pain, fainting, swelling of the hands and feet, or even seizures. So don’t skimp on sleep! Shoot for 8 hours per night for the best results.

Exercise Regularly

The National Kidney Foundation recommends getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. This can help keep your blood pressure down, which is essential in maintaining good kidney health. You don’t have to run a marathon or join a gym—even just a brisk walk around the block can improve your blood pressure and help maintain sound kidney health. If you’re not able to walk, try some other form of low-impact exercises such as yoga, light stretching, or swimming. In addition to improving your blood pressure and overall health, regular exercise can help reduce stress, improve sleep patterns, and even improve your mood!

If you’ve been diagnosed with kidney disease, have questions about your treatment options, or want to learn more about kidney health, our expert Nephrologists, who have assisted countless patients in managing their renal disease, are available to you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Our hospitals are equipped with advanced and cutting-edge dialysis systems that seamlessly integrate technology, safety, and comfort to provide the best possible and compassionate care in a friendly and comfortable environment.

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Women’s Health-Healthy Choices for Happy Women

Women's Health

International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women’s accomplishments in all fields, whether social, economic, cultural, scientific, political or any other. It is an opportunity to consider future challenges and potential solutions. Women account for half of the world’s population and play critical roles in their families, communities, and economies. Women are committed to driving change, assisting those around them, and improving the world, whether at home or work. So women’s health is vital for all.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #BreaktheBias.

Today serves as an excellent reminder to continue the excellent work that women are doing. It is critical to reflect on our own well-being and that of our loved ones. Along with the more conventional women’s health concerns, women may face health concerns throughout their lives related to pregnancy, birth control, menopause, and other conditions.

It is critical to see a women’s health professional for any concerns they may have and to have them taken seriously. It is never too late to make positive changes to one’s lifestyle. It is more critical than ever to maintain an active lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular exercise, routine health screenings, and a positive attitude. A physically active lifestyle can help lose weight, increase energy, improve a women’s mental health, maintain independence, and strengthen the body. A healthy lifestyle is well known to reduce the risk of developing certain chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, chronic pain, and depression. Our medical experts are committed to eliminating bias and advancing women’s physical and mental health to live longer and healthier lives.

On this International Women’s Day make a commitment to yourself to make small changes today to reduce your risk of breast disease, cervical disease, heart disease, and stroke. Women need to stay informed about their health. Here are a few of our favorite tips for eating healthy, staying active, and keeping motivated.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Sleep helps you maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves the function of your immune system. A recent study showed that people who get fewer than six hours of sleep per night have a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. This is because sleep deprivation causes changes in hormones that regulate appetite and increases in blood pressure and heart rate that increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. The exact number varies depending on age and lifestyle factors like diet, exercise routine, and job demands. Generally, adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. If you’re having trouble getting those hours, it’s time to consult our Sleep Specialists.

Wear Sunscreen

Even on a cloudy day, up to 80% of the sun’s harmful UV rays can penetrate your skin. To ensure you’re completely protected from skin cancer, it’s essential to apply sunscreen to your exposed skin before going outside. With summer on its way, it’s important to remember the dangers of sun damage. If you have any questions about choosing the right sunscreen for your skin type, don’t hesitate to ask our Skin Specialists who will explain to you the cancer risk of the UV rays versus the cancer risk of tanning creams.

Eat More Vegetables

Eating vegetables is an essential part of a healthy diet. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, can help you maintain a healthy weight, and are naturally low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Veggies are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals that help to improve our overall well-being. These nutrients help to guard us against heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, and even obesity. Our Nutritionists are here for your every step of the way to help you make the right dietary changes that can improve your overall health and well-being.

Drink Water Instead of Soda, Carbonated and Sugary Drinks

According to a study conducted by the American College of Cardiology, drinking one soft drink a day is tied to a 20% increase in a person’s risk of death. If you drink two soft drinks a day, that number is doubled. There are many reasons why this could be happening, including that soft drinks contains high amounts of sugar and other additives, which can lead to weight gain and tooth decay. Soft drinks also loaded with artificial ingredients like phosphoric acid, which can dissolve bones over time. It is also suspected of causing osteoporosis in people who consume it regularly, especially women and seniors. The human body is made up of between 50 and 65% water. Without water to break down nutrients, carry oxygen to the brain, regulate body temperature, protect body organs and tissues, and lubricate joints, the human body would not function. For all of these reasons, any time you’re choosing a beverage to drink, water should be your first choice. Water has no calories and no sugar, making it a more healthy option than soft drink. It’s also important to remember that sugar can leave you feeling more dehydrated. Water helps keep you hydrated and flush out toxins. It also helps you feel full and more energized, allowing you to perform at your best throughout your day. Drinking water also aids in weight loss by helping you to burn more calories, gives your skin a great glow, and has been linked to better brain function.

Limit Processed Foods

Limiting processed foods is essential for everyone, but women in particular need to pay attention to how much of these foods they’re eating. Processed foods include anything that has been cooked and then frozen, canned, dried, or pasteurized; any food with added sugar, fat, or salt; any food made from refined grains like white flour and white rice. Generally speaking, the more of these foods you eat, the higher your weight gain and chronic disease risk. But according to a 2019 study by the Annals of Internal Medicine, women are at an incredibly high risk of developing type 2 diabetes when they consume a lot of processed foods. The best way to avoid these risks is to limit your intake of processed foods.

Exercise for At least 30 Minutes Per Day

The medical community has long urged men and women to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that women get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio activity each week, while men should get at least twice that. The AHA also reports that women who exercise have lower blood pressure decreased risk of heart disease, and a healthier body weight than those who don’t.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is a significant part of your overall health. If you are concerned about your weight, talk to your Weight loss Experts. They can help you find ways to eat healthier and get more physical activity to reach and maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, losing as little as 5 percent of your current body weight can improve your health. If you want to be healthy, your weight should be at a level where you are neither underweight nor overweight. Calculating your recommended weight based on your height and body type is possible. Our BMI Calculator can help you determine whether you’re at the right weight.

Not everyone realizes how important a human body’s waist circumference is, but that’s something we need to know if our waist measures more than 40 inches if we are men, or 35 inches if we are women. That means that if you have a large waist circumference, it is likely that you also have too much fat deep in your abdomen. Extra abdominal fat increases your risk for serious health problems, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. If you carry extra weight around the center of your body, talk to your doctor about strategies that may be right for you to lose weight and reduce risk factors so that you can make healthier choices which will improve your life expectancy.

Take Care of Your Dental Health

Women, it’s time to take care of your dental health. When you take care of your teeth, you’re not only taking care of your smile but also your heart. Research has shown that gum disease is linked to increased risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other diseases. Taking care of your mouth can be as simple as brushing and flossing twice a day and regularly visiting the Dentist. It’s important to schedule annual dental checkups because they can catch issues before they become significant problems. Additionally, women should be aware that the hormones released during pregnancy can make them more susceptible to cavities and other oral health issues. Pregnant women should speak with their Obstetrics and Gynecology Experts about additional steps they can take to ensure good oral health during their pregnancy.

Get Enough Calcium and Vitamin D

Strong, healthy bones are crucial to a successful and fulfilling life. Your body needs Calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth, nerve signaling, muscle contraction, vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), and secretion of hormones such as insulin. Calcium also plays a role in blood clotting, enzyme activation, maintaining heart rhythm, and preventing atherosclerosis (hardening or clogging of the arteries). Unfortunately, many women are not getting enough Calcium and vitamin D in their diets, which can lead to decreased bone density. The American Dietetic Association recommends that women aged 19-50 consume 1,000 mg of Calcium per day and 200-400 IU of Vitamin D per day. Women who do not consume enough Calcium and Vitamin D in their diet are at risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life. One way to help guard against this is by getting enough Calcium and Vitamin D every day.

Get Yourself an Annual Eye Exam

The symptoms of glaucoma are more pronounced in women than in men, so women must get their eyes checked annually. Glaucoma is a disease where there is damage to the optic nerve, resulting in loss of vision. This happens when the pressure inside the eye increases due to a buildup of aqueous humor. Getting an annual eye checkup is one of the best things for women’s health and well-being. If there’s anything amiss with your eyesight, whether or not you’ve noticed it yet, our Ophthalmologists will find it—and then they can help make sure it doesn’t get worse.

Say Goodbye to Smoking

The number of young female smokers of conventional cigarettes, particularly “Shesha,” is increasing. It’s a dangerous habit because it increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and has a negative effect on reproduction and fertility. Women who smoke have a harder time conceiving than women who do not smoke. Women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to experience pre- or postpartum loss. Additionally, their babies may be born prematurely or with other complications, such as being underweight. Hence smoking is dangerous for women’s health.

10 Simple Ways to Protect & Maintain Your Hearing Health

Hearing Health

Hearing loss is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and hearing health is vital for the overall the overall wellbeing. It can be caused by several factors, including ear wax, ear infection, exposure to loud noises, aging, disease, and hereditary conditions. Treatment usually ranges from simple clearing of ear wax to complex options like the use of hearing aids or cochlear implants. There are three main types of hearing loss, 

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss is when the nerves in the inner ear are damaged and can no longer send information to the brain about sound in an accurate way.  
  • Conductive Hearing Loss is when there is damage to the outer or middle ear, which causes the sound not adequately conducted from the air to the inner ear.  
  • Mixed Hearing Loss combines both sensorineural and conductive issues. 

Early detection of any hearing impairment, particularly in children, is critical for optimal speech and language development. Parents and caregivers should be on the lookout for subtle signs and symptoms of hearing loss, as these can be difficult to detect. Consider an audiology evaluation if your child speaks excessively loudly, listens to the television/handheld device at a high volume, is inattentive, mispronounces words, is uneasy at school, or exhibits difficult behavior for no apparent reason. Hearing health is critical at any age.

World Hearing Day aims to promote awareness of the effects of noise on hearing and your ears.  

1 day a year is not enough, so here are 10 ways to protect your hearing which you can do every day. 

Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises by Wearing Ear Protection Gear 

In order to prevent hearing loss, it’s essential to protect your ears from loud noises. These sounds can cause permanent damage to your hearing if you’re exposed to them for even a short period of time. Some examples include music concerts, car horns, and powered tools. Any sound louder than 85 decibels (dB) could potentially be hazardous. You can protect your ears by wearing earplugs or earmuffs in situations where you may be exposed to loud, harmful sounds. If you are constantly exposed to loud noise at workplace, get an annual ear and hearing evaluation and have proper follow up with the ENT doctor 

Reduce the Volume 

Hearing loss can happen gradually, and most people don’t notice it until it’s too late. Listening to music at loud volumes can cause permanent hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and other hearing problems. The best way to protect your hearing is to turn down the volume. If you’re listening to music through headphones, use the volume control feature on your device. 

Avoid Using Cotton Ear Swabs 

Many people don’t realize that our ears naturally filter out any harmful particles or debris that enter our ear canals and that most of the time earwax doesn’t need any help getting out of there. You can do more harm than good by using cotton swabs in your ears by pushing the ear wax deep into the ear canal. This can injure the ear drum and making it difficult for the doctor to clean the ears. If you’re experiencing some discomfort, ear block or hearing issues, visit one of our Best ENT Specialists for an easy fix! We’ll have you feeling better—and hearing better—in no time. 

Take Medications Exactly as Prescribed 

Many over-the-counter and prescription medications can permanently damage hearing if taken in high doses or for long periods of time. Talk with your doctor about the best options for your specific health needs. Avoid using ear drops without an examination of ears by the doctor. Over the counter usage of ear drops can sometimes cause damage to ear.  

Keep Your Ears Dry 

Water is an essential element for our bodies — it helps us stay hydrated and keeps us alive! It can also help us enjoy various activities like swimming and diving. However, water can be dangerous if it gets in your ears. If water gets into your ears, it can damage the ears’ delicate inner workings and lead to hearing loss. If you’ve ever gone swimming, you might be familiar with the feeling of a clogged ear. That’s because water entering your ear canal can disrupt the ear drum’s ability to vibrate properly and conduct sound to your inner ear. This can lead to temporary hearing loss. If you can feel water in the ear, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on the ear lobe to coax the water out. Sometimes water inside the ear can cause ear canal infection called the swimmer’s ear or even fungal infection of ears. Over time, repeated exposure to moisture (e.g., water, sweat) can also cause skin breakdown in the ear canal, leading to inflammation and infection. 

Reduce or Eliminate Your Exposure to Chemicals that May Cause Hearing Loss 

Chemicals can be found in everything from plastics to cleaning products, and many of them are known to be harmful when we’re exposed to them for extended periods of time. If you work in an industry where you’re regularly exposed to chemicals, be sure that you’re getting annual hearing tests; if you notice a change in your hearing in between your appointments with the Best ENT doctor and audiologist, schedule an appointment immediately. 

Exercise Regularly 

Regular exercise and making sure to get up and move around every so often can help protect your hearing and help you maintain your hearing health. Cardio exercises like walking, running, or cycling gets the blood pumping to all parts of your body, including the ears. This helps the internal parts of ears to stay healthy and working to their maximum potential.  

Control Your Stress Levels 

Stress affects the body in a multitude of ways, from stomach upset to high blood pressure. Unfortunately, stress can also contribute to hearing loss! This may come as a surprise to many, but it’s true. Stress disrupts circulation to the ears, sending blood rushing to other parts of your body instead. As stress becomes chronic, cells in the ear can be damaged or even die, leading to hearing loss and ringing sensation in ears. 

Get a Good Night Sleep 

One of the most common yet surprising consequences of hearing loss is sleep deprivation. This can result in several health problems, including weight gain, irritability and depression, memory loss, and more. Hearing problems don’t just make it harder for you to hear—they can also affect the quality of your sleep. Get plenty of rest! If you’re not sleeping well—especially if you suspect it has to do with lack of quality sleep—make an appointment with our sleep specialists as soon as possible. Lack of sleep is linked to many health issues, and poor sleep can affect your hearing health too. 

Get Regularly Checked 

Hearing loss can happen to anyone, and it’s a problem that we often don’t notice until it’s too late. That’s why regular health checkups are so important. Getting your hearing checked at least once a year can help you keep your ears and hearing health. Our ENT experts will run a few tests, and if they do find a problem, they can take steps to correct it before more damage occurs. So whether you’re having trouble hearing or need a checkup, we’re here for you!