Dr. Yassin Ibrahim M. El-Shahat Consultant Nephrology (HOD & Chief Medical Officer)
Years of Experience : 40
Nationality : Egypt
Languages Known : Arabic, English
Dr. Yassin Ibrahim M. El-Shahat is a Consultant and the Head of the Department of Nephrology at Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi. Dr. Yassin has over 40+ years of experience as a Senior Consultant for Nephrology and Hypertension at several healthcare institutions, including Al-Jazeera Hospital, SKMC, and Al-Noor Hospital Airport Road. He earned his Maitre-es Sciences Medicales in Nephrology and Hypertension from the prestigious Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. He followed that with a Certificat d’Etudes Speciales En Nephrologie from Rene D’Escart University (Academie de Paris) and a Diplome d’Assistant Etranger in Nephrology from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. He is an honorary member of several academic societies and serves as Chair of the Arab Society of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation – PD Chapter. He has authored several books and research articles in various prestigious international journals. He was the editor of the Arabic edition of “Hypertension: The Silent Killer,” a “Best Seller.” His areas of clinical expertise include dialysis, transplantation, and hypertension.
Awards & Achievements
- Chair of Arab Society of Nephrology & Renal Transplantation-PD Chapter Member of several international academic societies, including, International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
- International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD)
- European Dialysis & Transplantation Association (EDTA)
- Arabic Society of Nephrology & Renal Transplantation (ASNRT)
- African Society of Nephrology (AFRAN)
- Middle East Society of Nephrology & Transplantation (MESOT)
- Egyptian Society of Nephrology (ESN)
- American Society of Nephrology (ASN)
- American Society of Hypertension (ASH)
- National Kidney Foundation-USA (NKF)
- Egyptian Society of Hypertension (ESH)
- Pan-Arab Society of Hypertension
- Emirates Medical Association-Nephrology Chapter (EMAN) –Member of the Board
Research & Publications
- Editor of “Hypertension: The Silent Killer”: Arabic (Best Seller) Published by Kitab AlYom-Akhbar AlYom-Egypt-1985