Dr. Abdul Hachem Consultant - Oral Maxillofacial & Facial Plastic Surgeon
Years of Experience : 25
Nationality : Germany
Languages Known : German, Arabic, English, French
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Abdul Hachem received his college and medical degrees with the highest distinction from the School of Medicine, Iasi, Romania (Dr. Med Stomatology). He then completed his surgical training in HUB, Humboldt University of Berlin, “Charite,” Leipzig Medical University Hospital, CTK Cottbus, Karlsruhe Teaching Hospital of Freiburg and FSU Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany. He further trained in maxillofacial and facial plastic reconstructive surgery at HUB, Berlin, Leipzig FSU, Jena, Germany. He is board certified by the German Board of Facial Plastic Surgery (Plastische Operationen) GBFPS and the German Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Facharzt) GBOMF. Dr. Abdul Hachem is an active Faculty Board Member of the International Societies AOCMF-MEA, DGMKG (German as Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons), ESFPS (European Society of Facial Plastic Surgery), and LSOMF (Lebanese Society of Oral Maxillofacial). During 25 years of surgical experience, he was a consultant and the head of the largest facial plastic and maxillofacial surgery departments in Leipzig, Cottbus, CTK, Karlsruhe, and FSU Jena, Germany, and manager of the maxillofacial unit in the UAE. He introduced many new procedures in the treatment management of craniofacial trauma and tumor surgery with the navigation system. His interests include minor oral surgery, maxillofacial surgery, facial plastic surgery, dental implants, DGI, craniofacial trauma, orthognathic surgery and osteogenic distraction, cleft-lip-palate and craniofacial deformities surgery, head and neck, and skin cancer surgery. After attaining educational training in the outpatient clinic for oral surgery in Berlin in 1987, he qualified in Human Medicine Studies in 1990, followed by Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery in 1992 and 1998, respectively. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Medicine, Germany, in 2001. The elaborate professional journey of Dr. Nasser first started after his first-degree medical studies and his appointment as a General Medical Practitioner in Lebanon. After these academic pursuits, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. His excellent teaching skills and deep knowledge of the subject got him an extension of service in Germany as an Associate Professor at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. In addition to this experience, he served as the Acting Chief at Carl-Thiem Klinikum Teaching University Hospital of HUB-Charité for three years. Dr. Nasser then became an independent oral and maxillofacial practitioner in Germany for two years. Following an extraordinarily successful period of independent practice, Dr. Nasser joined the Medical University of Freiburg as Senior Consultant Oral Maxillofacial, Freiburg, Germany, and later served as a Senior Consultant at the private hospital for Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Leipzig, Germany. In the UAE, for ten years, Dr. Abdul Hachem served as a Consultant in Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery at Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi. He served at NMC Royal Hospital, Abu Dhabi, for two years. Further, Dr. Nasser has served at various private clinics as an Oral and Maxillofacial Consultant. He also serves as a Board Member examiner at HAAD/DOH for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Licensure Examinations and Privileging. Dr. Abdul Hachem holds memberships in the German, European, and Lebanese Medical Boards of Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery and is highly competent in the specialty, especially in orthognathic surgery, oral maxillofacial, head and neck cancer, and dental implantology. He has also published numerous research papers in several peer-reviewed publications of national and international stature.
Research & Publications
- The University of Leipzig, Faculty of medicine Germany, Prof. PhD. Dr. A. Hemprich Fortschritt der MKG-Chirurgie, Hachem, Hempri, Ch et al. Clinical and par clinical control after traction screw and Manipulate-Osteosynthesis of fracture of the mandibular condyle. German Congress of OMFS DGMKG in Erfurt
- American Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical and Para clinical control after traction screw and Miniplate-Osteosynthesis of Fractures of the Mandibular Congress European Association for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS) in Zürich
- Lebanon, Beirut Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association (JLDA) Oral and maxillofacial reconstruction, using no vascularized iliac bone grafts and cylinder screw implants. Xéme congrès international de l’ordre des chirurgiens maxillo-faciaux du Liban August.31- Sept.02.2000
- PHD in Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery Field, Prof. PhD. Dr. Alexander Hemprich, Comparison of Mini-plate, and lag Screw Osteo-synthesis in Treatment of Colum Fractures” Fak., Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie u. Hachem, A. N.; Hierl, T.; Hemprich, A. Clinical and Para clinical control after traction. www.unleipzig.de/vorjahr/49610_v.htm - 23k
- Fak., Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie u. ... Hachem, A. N.; Hierl, T.; Hemprich, A. Clinical and Para clinical control after traction Date format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
- Hachem et al. (1999). In Dieser Studie aus Leipzig wurden 22 Patienten ... Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund- Kiefer- Gesichtschirurgie/ Kübler ...deposit.ddb.de/cgi-dokserv?idn=97701875x&dok_var=d1&dok_ext=pdf&filename=97701875x.pdf
- Hachem, A.N., Hierl. T., Hemprich, A: manipulating and lag screw ostethe synthesis in Treatment of Colum fractures. Zürich, 2006, idn-87711564y.pdf
- International Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 2005; 34:252-6. 16. Groppo FC, Castro FM, ... 5 Arcasoy SM, Fisher AJ, Hachem RR, Scavuzzo M, Ware LB
- HACHEM, A. N. et al. Comparison of miniplate and lag screw. Osteosynthesis in treatment of ... SANDERS, B. Pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery. St
- HBerichtenal. (1996) berichten sogar über nahezu 50,0 % ... Osteosynthesis with miniaturized screwed plates in maxillofacial surgery
- Clinical and Para clinical control after traction screw and Miniplate-Osteosynthesis of fracture of the mandibular condyle. German Congress of OMFS DGMKG in Erfurt Juny, HACHEM et al 01.1995
- Clinical and Para clinical control after traction screw and Miniplate-Osteosynthesis of fractures of the mandibular condyle. Congress European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (E, Aet al. in Zürich, HACHEM, et al. Sept.03-07.1996
- Oral and Maxillofacial reconstruction using no vascularized iliac bone grafts and cylinder screw implants. Xéme congrés international de l? ordre des chirurgiens maxillo-faciales du Liban August. HACHEM et al, 31- Sept.02.2000
- Management and treatment of the Collum fractures. Sousse-Tunesia, HACHEM, April.19.2001
- Orthognathic Surgery and Distraction-Osteogenesis in Maxillofacial Surgery. HACHEM, April.21.2004 Syria
- Applications of the TCP-Osteosynthesis and peri angular Approach in mandibular condylar fractures. HACHEM, April.21.2005. Syria
- Lebanon, Beirut, Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association (JLDA) Oral and Maxillofacial reconstruction using no vascularized iliac bone grafts and cylinder screw implants. Xémecongrés international de l? ordre des chirurgiens maxillo-faciales du Liban August. HACHEM et al, 31- Ph.Dt.02.2000
- May. 1999- Feb.2001 Ph.D. In Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery Field, HACHEM, at Prof. PhD. Dr. Alexander Hemprich
- December 2008 in Oman as Lecturer in the ODS
- 12-14.05.2011 in Como Italy, EACMFS and ISCMFS as Lecturer and Publication about Reconstruction of the mandibular condyle, angle, and body experience in the Mafraq Hospital”, Abu Dhabi Emirates. Medical Publication in the Dimond Italian Medical Journal
- 6-8 10. 2011 in Varna / Bulgaria EACMFS a Mini plates lecturer and publication about, Mini plates and Mesh Osteosynthesis of the communicated frontal sinus bone Cranmore. PS. Publication in the European Cranio- Maxillofacial Journal
- 15-17.10.2011 Regional AOCMF Advanced Course in Dubai as Participant
- 20.10.2011 7the SORG Middle East Course on Periprosthetic / Pre-Implant Surgery o At the Mafraq Hospital Abu Dhabi UAE as Lecturer
- The Pan Arab Association for Oral and Maxillo-Facial surgery Conference will be from 15 to March 18, 2012 -at Regency Hotel Tunis. Mandibular Reconstruction, Complex maxillofacial surgery carried out successfully at Public Emirati Hospital
- The Pan Arab Association for oral and Maxillo-Facial surgery Conference will be from 15 to March 18, 2012 -Regency Hotel Tunis, Mandibular Recons, traction: Special Considerations in Condyle, Ramus, and Body
- 27 – 28 September 2012, Dubai United Arab Emirates, 9th SORG Middle East Course “Principles and Advances in Mandibular Surgery,” Theory & Workshop 09 – 11 October 2012, in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Regional AOCMF Principles course with an advanced Workshop n orthognathic surgery. (Lecturer) 17 – 18 November 2012 Beirut Lebanon, The First Lebanese Han, Reconstructive Surgery Conference, LSRM, LSPRAS. (Lecturer) 07 – 08 December 2012, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ITI Congress Middle East October 2013 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Regional AOCMF Principles course with an advanced Workshop in Orbital fractures. (Lecturer), Faculty member 20-21 October computer-assisted CMF Craniomaxillofacial our hands-ounces in computer-assisted planning and imaging (with hands-on), Lecturer Like AOCMF Faculty Member 08-10 December 2015 ESEM, Emirates Society of Emergency Medicine, Abu Dhabi, Lecturer Moderator for Craniofacial Traumatology, October 2016craniomaxillofacialiomaxillofacial Course – Surgical approach in the craniomaxillofacial field with cadaver training in Sharjah, Lecturer Regional AOCMF Faculty Member 13-15 October 2017 Craniomaxillofacial Course – Advance in orthognathic surgery with cadaver training in Sharjah, Lecturer Like AOCMF Regional Faculty Member April 27, 2019First SKGH Maxillofacial Symposium, in Dubai, Lecturer Like AOCMF Regional Faculty Member. • From Jun 2019 online Meeting as Regional Member AOCMF Lecturer
Education & Training
- MD (Stomatology)
- German Board Certification for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery
- Member - Lebanese Medical Association, Tripoli, Lebanon (LDA)
- Member - German Medical Association (SLAK)
- Member - Dental Medical Association, (SLZAK)
- Member - DGMKG: German Oral Maxillofacial Association
- Member - DOH-DGI: Dental German Implantology
- Member - ESFPS: European Society of Facial Plastic Surgeons
- Member – Faculty, AOCMF Middle East
- Member—Operation Smile for Cleft-Lip-Palate and Craniofacial Deformity Surgery

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