Dr. Mina Mohsen Kamel Khalil Effat Specialist Orthodontist
Years of Experience : 15
Nationality :
Languages Known : Arabic, English, French
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Mina Mohsen Kamel Khalil Effat is a Specialist Orthodontist at Burjeel Hospital. Dr. Mina obtained his BDS from Cairo University in 2007. In 2014, he received his MD in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics from European University College (formerly Nicolas & Asp University College)in Dubai and a Certificate of Specialization in Orthodontics from Malmö University, Sweden. Dr. Mina has more than five years of clinical experience in his field and worked as Specialist Orthodontist in well-reputed hospitals in UAE. Dr. Mina’s areas of expertise include the usage of different types of brackets and wire systems, fixed and removable orthodontic appliances, functional appliances for growth modulation, TADS, and treatment by lingual orthodontics. He has extensive experience in treating different classes of malocclusions, providing clear aligners for adults, providing preventive, interceptive, and corrective orthodontics for children, and managing skeletal discrepancies by surgical orthodontics in adults. Dr. Mina attended many conferences and hands-on workshops He speaks Arabic, English, and French and is always updated with everything that concerns the field of orthodontics.
Research & Publications
- Quality of life after midfacial trauma
- Diplomate of Swedish Board in Orthodontics in Accordance with Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, SOSFS 1993