Dr. Shahid Masood Shaikh Specialist Pediatric Dental
Years of Experience : 6
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English, Hindi
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Shahid Shaikh received his Bachelor’s degree in Dental Surgery from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nashik in 2011 and his Master’s degree in Dental Surgery from the ITS dental college, hospital, and research center in Delhi NCR, India. Dr. Shahid began his career as a Consultant Pediatric Dentist at Masina Hospital in Mumbai, India, one of the city’s largest hospitals. Dr. Shahid Shaikh has authored several international and national research papers and has presented at numerous national and international conferences. He authored multiple books and received numerous awards for his paper presentations. Additionally, he holds a Fellowship from Singapore’s International College of Continuing Dental Education. He has performed apicoectomy, cyst removal, impactions, and foreign body removal from teeth and endodontic procedures such as pulpectomy, pulpotomy, apexification, abiogenesis, and revascularization. He has also managed all dental emergencies, including trauma and avulsion. He has performed several complete mouth rehabilitation procedures under general anesthesia on healthy apprehensive children, dental treatment on medically compromised children under general anesthesia, management of ectopic eruption, space management, and oral habit management.
Awards & Achievements
- Fellowship of International College of Continuing Dental Education, Singapore
Research & Publications
- Shaikh SM, Mousumi G, Comparative evaluation of the effect of different root canal preparation techniques in primary teeth using CBCT. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry.
- Shaikh SM, et al., Sturge Weber syndrome e A case report. J Oral Biol Craniofacial Res. 2015 Jan-Apr; 5(1): 53–56.
- Shaikh SM et al., Correlation of streptococcus mutants count in mother-child pair of working and non-working mothers: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry.
- Shaikh SM et al., Evaluation of Decalcification technique and cone-beam computed tomography in detecting accessory canals in human primary molars: an in vitro study. International Journal of Current Research.
- Shaikh SM., Evaluation of the physicochemical properties of saliva in caries-free and caries active children. International Journal of Scientific Research.
- Shaikh SM, et al. Case series of three rooted primary mandibular first molars and their management. International Journal of Scientific Research.
- Shaikh SM, Assessment of sale of nicotine replacement therapy at paan and chemist shops in Noida city- a cross-sectional study to promote its sale through social marketing. International journal of medical science and innovative research.
- Shaikh SM et al., Crystallize to definitize cancer. International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume-6
- Issue-10
- October- 2017.
- Shaikh SM, et al., Study of polarization color in the connective tissue stroma of the odontogenic lesions and study the role of collagen fibers in the expansion of the lesion by using picrosirius red stain with a polarizing microscope. Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, and Oral Radiology, 2017; 3(3):158-163.
- Shaikh SM, et al. A comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of Azadirachta indica (neem) and Curcuma longa (turmeric) in the extraction socket. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Jul-Dec;10(2):191-194.
- Shaikh SM, et al., Spontaneous eruption of permanent incisors after tuberculate supernumerary tooth – A case report. International Journal of Scientific Study (2015).
- Shaikh SM, et al., Management of complicated crown-root fracture by fragment reattachment – A review and report of two cases, Journal of Dental Specialty, vol 1, issue 1, March 2012.
- Shaikh SM, et al. Cytomorphometric Analysis of Exfoliated Buccal Cells in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry, 2017;6:3s:129-137.
- Shaikh SM, et al. A study on the correlation of ABO blood group system and hypertension. International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2017; 3(4): 38-41.
- Dr. Shahid Shaikh et al., Cellular Telephone as A Pathogen Reservoir: Myth or Fact. PARIPEX - Indian Journal of Research Volume-8.
- Dr. Shahid Shaikh et al., Aerobic bacteriological study and culture sensitivity pattern of oral and maxillofacial infection paripex. Indian Journal of Research Volume-8.
- Rotary Endodontics. ISBN: 978-93-89339-09-3.
- Giant Cell Lesions. ISBN:978-93-89339-08-6.
- Textbook On Oral Epithelial Dysplasia. ISBN: 978-1-73041-904- 1.
- Etiopathogenesis of Oral Submucous Fibrosis. ISBN: 978-93-88022-04-0.