Dr. Elwin Buchel Consultant Gastroenterology
Years of Experience : 40
Nationality : South Africa
Languages Known : English, German
Book AppointmentBiography
Dr. Elwin Buchel earned his MBChB in 1970, his M. Med (International) in 1983, and a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Pretoria in 2008. In 1976, he was elected as a Fellow of the Faculty of Family Practice at the College of Medicine South Africa. In 1983, he was elected as a Fellow of the College of Physicians at the College of Medicine South Africa. To his credit, he pursued post-graduate education worldwide, including Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Pittsburgh, the United States of America; Paris, France; Leuven, Belgium; and Barcelona, Spain. Since establishing his medical practice in 1984, he has received numerous awards and distinctions, including an Honorary Silver Medal from the University of Pretoria in 1990 for his contribution to medical education; the Eugene Marais Branch-SA Academy of Arts and Sciences; the Eugene Marais Award for Academic Excellence and Artistic Achievement in 1994; the Heyl Award for the most compassionate doctor in 1984; the SKF Gastroenterology traveling Fellowship in 1985; and the Roussel – SAGES award for Gastroenterologists in 1996. He was affiliated with Maclear Northeast Cape and Pretoria Academic Hospitals in South Africa before relocating to the UAE in 2000 to continue his practice in Abu Dhabi’s government hospitals.
Awards & Achievements
- Honorary Silver Medal from the University of Pretoria in 1990 for His Contribution to Medical Education
- The Eugene Marais Branch-SA Academy of Arts and Sciences
- The Eugene Marais Award for Academic Excellence and Artistic Achievement in 1994
- The Heyl Award for the Most Compassionate Doctor in 1984
- The SKF Gastroenterology Traveling Fellowship in 1985
- The Roussel-SAGES Award for Gastroenterologists in 1996
Research & Publications
- Buchel E, Van Steenbergen W, Nevens F, Fevery J. Improvement of Autoimmune Hepatitis During Pregnancy but Flare-Up After Delivery. Am J Gastroenterol. 2002; 97: 3160-5.
- George C, Buchel E, Van Steenbergen W, Nevens F, Verslype C, Yap P, De Groote J, Fevery J. Autoimmune Hepatitis: An Overview Of 112 Consecutive Patientstijdschr Voor Geneeskunde 2004; 60: 880-9.
- Verslype C, George C, Buchel E, Nevens F, Van Steenbergen W, Fevery J. Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis at Age 65 And Older. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2005; 21:695-9.
- Doctoral Thesis: Autoimmune Hepatitis – A Clinical Study Elwin Buchel, June 2007

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